Sprinkler systems at Construction and Demolition Sites

Sprinkler systems can be effective tools for dust suppression in various industrial, construction, demoliton Sites. Here's how a sprinkler system helps in dust suppression: Wetting the Surface: Sprinkler systems release water or other dust-suppressing liquids in controlled quantities over the area that needs dust control. This moisture wets the surface, preventing loose dust and particles from becoming airborne. Binding Dust Particles: The water sprayed by the sprinklers can act as a binding agent. It binds dust particles together, making them heavier and less likely to become airborne. Weighing Down Loose Material: In construction and mining applications, sprinkler systems can wet and weigh down loose materials such as soil, sand, or gravel, reducing the potential for dust generation. Temporary Dust Control: In some cases, such as on construction sites, dust generation is unavoidable during work. Sprinkler systems offer a temporary solution to control dust during these activities. Maintaining Soil Moisture: In agricultural settings, sprinkler systems can help maintain soil moisture. This not only reduces dust but also benefits crop growth. Preventing Combustible Dust Explosions: In industries where dust is combustible, like sawmills or grain handling facilities, sprinkler systems can prevent dust explosions by keeping the dust concentration below the explosive limit. Customizable and Automated: Modern sprinkler systems can be customized to release water or dust suppressants at specific times, in specific quantities, or triggered by sensors that detect dust levels. This automation ensures efficient dust suppression without constant human monitoring. Conserving Water: Some sprinkler systems are designed to use water efficiently and minimize wastage, which is essential in regions with water scarcity. It's worth noting that while sprinkler systems are effective for dust suppression, the choice of liquid (water, dust suppressants, etc.) and the design of the system should be tailored to the specific environment and the type of dust being generated. Additionally, proper maintenance and regular system checks are essential to ensure that the system remains effective over time.

Guidelines by BMC to Control Construction Pollution

Concerns were raised regarding the impact of construction activities on the city's air quality and AQI BY Mumbai's resident. In an effort to mitigate air pollution and promote a sustainable, green environment, the following guidelines have been proposed by BMC: 1) Buildings with a height of 70 meters or more are required to establish a 35-foot barricade around the construction site/plot area. Buildings with a height of less than 70 m will be required to have barricades with 25 ft height around the plot / construction area. 2) Layouts exceeding 1 acre must also maintain a 35-foot barricade, while those under 1 acre should have a 25-foot barricade. 3) Green cloth or jute sheet coverings should be deployed at construction sites, regardless of the construction stage. 4) Any uncovered building under construction will face BMC-issued stop-work notices. 5) The installation of a sprinkler system on key plot/site areas is mandatory, with regular misting throughout the day during construction. Types of Dust suppression methods includes Dust Suppression Cannons Sprinkler Systems for unpaved Roads Misting System in the Peripheral areas or on the boundries 6) All construction sites are to be equipped with air quality monitoring equipment. Developers are granted a 15-day window to procure and deploy apparatus on their sites. 7) During the demolition of existing buildings, it is strongly advised to cover the structure to prevent the dispersal of dust into the air. 8) Vehicles must not be overloaded, and CCTV cameras are to be placed at sites to monitor the cleanliness of vehicles, including tire cleaning and washing. 9) The Municipal Commissioner stressed that strict measures are essential to combat air pollution. 10) These guidelines apply to both private and public/government projects. 11) Furthermore, the Municipal Commissioner is actively seeking suggestions from our members on additional measures to address air pollution.

Strategic water conservation for Mumbai: the government, housing societies and corporations

In a city that is literally sinking, water conservation has become a critical issue. Mumbai has been facing serious water shortages over the last few years and this is putting pressure on both citizens and corporations alike. In order to manage the crisis, BMC (Mumbai Municipal Corporation) has started strategic water conservation projects in addition to undertaking programs like 'Every Drop Counts'. Housing societies have also taken up initiatives for water conservation such as rainwater harvesting systems which are very popular among Mumbaikars. Corporations have also contributed by installing irrigation systems at their premises so that they can use recycled municipal sewage water to grow vegetables or fruits. - Preserving water for the future of Mumbai is important. The city needs to reduce its dependency on water from outside sources and instead, store rainwater so that it can be used in times when there are shortages. Mumbaikars have made a pledge to conserve 20% more water than before which will go towards these efforts. We must also do what we can in our day-to-day lives to reduce water usage. Water conservation in Mumbai is not just for the government or corporations, it's a responsibility that every citizen shares and needs to commit to. With accurate awareness about water management, Mumbaikars are working hard on reducing their dependency on ground water sources as well as minimizing water wastage. Water saving devices like water saving nozzles, aerators and flow regulators can be installed in home and office to reduce water usage and its economical too. For every drop saved, there's less pressure on the existing water sources which will help us conserve this resource for the future of Mumbai!

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