A water sprinkler system for dust suppression comprises of lines of pipes along a ground lever or roof that contain water under pressure, with an extra wellspring of water for a consistent flow. Appended to the lines, programmed sprinklers are set at select areas. At the point when a fire happens, a seal in the sprinkler head breaks at a pre-set up temperature, and a constant flow of water flows.
There are a few sorts of programmed sprinkler systems. Two well known ones are the wet-pipe and the dry-pipe systems. With the wet-pipe system , water is in the lines consistently and is delivered when warmth bursts the seal in the sprinkler head. This is the most well-known system and is pertinent where freezing is no danger to its activity. Where frigid temperatures and broken lines are an issue, the dry-pipe system is helpful. Pneumatic stress is kept up in the lines until a sprinkler head bursts. At that point the air escapes, and water enters the lines and exits through the opened sprinklers; in light of this deferral, dry-pipe systems are not as viable as wet-pipe systems during the beginning phases of a fire.